Rajdhani Cables is a market driven company committed to excellence catering the needs of various industries and house holds such as Control Panel, Telephone Armoured, Un-Armoured & Household Cables since 1972. We have always attempted to anticipate the future-endeavoring to be there first with the best. Today our diverse cable range each a special products for applications-developed to meet the requirements of our quality conscious customers.
Our main concern lies in supplying the customer with quality services and products. To this extent we have concentrated on our product lines we now started manufacturing of Switch Gears, Choke Fitting, & Electrical Accessories that our customers have required from us. As technology has been advancing so have our customers. In today’s market the average cable installer is now required to know the latest technologies and standards, and where to find them. Rajdhani is striving to be able to serve the diverse needs of our customers because we have advanced lab & latest machines to keeping up with latest market trends.
Rajdhani Cables are brought to you by people with over three decades of experience and expertise in the field of electrical wires and cables. Our cables are manufactured by best quality PVC compound and bright-annealed pure electrolyte copper bar. Rajdhani Cables have uniformity in quality and smooth surface finish and necessary flexibility in handling is a unique characteristic of our cables.
Objective is to educate the customer about the products lines that have made available, and to help them use these products in the implementation of their network.
Interwoven together through bunching or twisting, Rajdhani PVC Insulated wires are well-groomed lot. these twisted strands behave well in
The automatic coiling meter cross checks & double checks the precise length and slashes off each coil measuring exactly 90 meters length, so that the customers gets the right length.
Each box has genuine 3-dimensional hologram. It is your guarantee against counterfeiting and pilferage. Look for the genuine hologram every time you buy Rajdhani Cables.
Under the meticulous supervision of our highly skilled professionals, we are providing high-quality products.